Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today we found a stray dog

She's really quite beautiful too, and hyper, we've been playing with her most of the day XD
That's sister in the video, not much sound cuz I took the vid from inside, through the glass door.

I tried to find another vid I took of the dog on my sister's phone, but I instead found images of her sucking off her boyfriend, I figured you guys didn't need to see that anymore than I did. D8 So I exited her phone files and decided I'd ask her to find it later for me~

Anyhow, that's the most exciting thing that happened to me today C:
Though yesterday when I was on the bus home from the gym, there was a guy who got on the bus, drunk as all hell, and holding three open bottles of beer. The bus driver confiscated the beer and then the drunk burst into tears. Which was pretty darned funny for me xD

Monday, November 8, 2010

So the other night I was sitting peacefully in my bedroom with Scarlette, watching Toy Story and chatting with Miguel on msn. I had wanted to spend the night watching movies with my younger sister (We've been bonding lately for some reason, it's really weird because we don't usually get along, but right now she's almost like my best friend or something. It's so wrong.) but she'd ditched me (ok I said she's my best friend, not that I'm her best friend. She, unlike me, has a life outside of my bedroom.) to go play laser skirmish with her friend James, so instead I settled for Toy Story with Scarlette, which is pretty much just as good.

While James was waiting for Kat to finish getting ready(She'd tried on three dresses by this point lol) he was holding the front door open so a lot of bugs got in the house, mostly moths.

One moth had been flying around my computer screen for a while, I was getting a bit irritated at it, so I shooed it away a few times.

Eventually Mr Moth got angry at me for not letting him have his way with my computer screen :c

I started to get the feeling that this was some kind of evil death moth

And then
Then Mr EvilDeathMoth did something horrible ;3;
He bomb dived


my eye

I closed my eye out of reaction and kind of crushed his lil moth body between my eyelid and my eyeball. I think the worst part was, you know how moths kind of disintegrate in liquid?.... Well he started to dissolve into my eye.

So I spent the next 10 minutes trying to pull him out of my eye, piece by piece U_U

Why would you do this Mr Moth? Why? D:
It was a horrible experience for the both of us, I'm sure.


Now I want to write about today, which has no evil death moths, but it did have music and buses and my sister and a trainer(not a pokemon trainer) and lotsofothercoolstuffyeah

So today sister and I went and signed her up at the same gym I signed up with a few days ago, we got her gift certificate and then traveled by bus up to Seaford, to use the gift cards to buy some stuff at SportsPower. I got some snazzy sports pants which used up the whole $50 on the gift card, and sister got a shirt and a pair of sunnies.

Then we got the bus back to the train station near the gym, and got some lunch at the train station kiosk. The lady who served us was very rude >:C When I asked it she had more than egg and lettuce sandwiches for the vegetarian option she was like "Got chicken pie" U_U; some people, I swear... she was almost going to start fighting with me too, cuz when I said "no, what's your other vegetarian options please?" Assuming that she misunderstood, she shouted out something about vegetarians eat chicken.

So I got an egg and lettuce sandwich, which was really bland.

Finally we got back to the gym and got to meet our personal trainer who was really cool. He measured us up, weight, height ect, and we made a plan for our workouts C:

Then he showed us all the machines, and how they work, and after that we got to play on them however we wanted 8D

The rowing machines are definitely my favourite, you get to slide back and forth, it's fun 8D
And several songs I knew came on the tv's, they had MTV on which was wicked, so I spent a lot of time singing. When my trainer noticed me enjoying songs he'd turn the volume up too :'D Either he thought I'd like the sound up(Which I did) or he was trying to drown out my wonderful singing~

I tried to race my sister on the treadmill too, lol she won though, I'm not very fast ;3;

And yeah, then we kind of had asit ups competition >:]
I won that though

and not much else I guess

I'm so proud of us for actually joining and following through with something, sister and I can be pretty bad with that sort of stuff XD

I'll be fit in no time ;3;

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today I went down the the gym and joined up, the best part was that there was some xmas special that started yesterday, so there was no joining fee 8D I was ecstatic about that, and then I got given a $50 gift voucher as a gift for joining :'D
It must be the best gym ever. Of course it will be the best gym ever once I'm a part of it anyway.
I make things awesome just by association.

My sister has decided to join up for 12 months too :'D
So I'll have a gym buddy, which is awesome. And will make me feel better about myself.

Once I was done at the gym we went and got icecream(lol ironic) and waited for Emma to get to Colonnades(shopping center). She got there just as we were finishing our delicious treats. Yes Emma, delicious. You missed out. Stop being so late all the time. You stupid head.
/hopes she's reading this

Then we all went down and caught the train to town. We did a lot in town, the most important parts were buying things, like pens and stuff from Smiggle(Smiggle I love you ;3; ) and I got this adorable plushie <3

I named him Chomper, I'm pretty sure he's from Mario though lol, I have no idea what he is, but whatever he is, I'm a fan 8] <3

On our way out of town we ran into my friend Andrew, he does busking for extra money(as far as I know, idk if he has an actual normal job or not? He doesn't seem like he would though lol) I got some footage on my phone of him playing. I love his music, I've been bugging him about making a cd, I'm sure a lot of people have.

I don't really have much left to say~
Today was fun, but I'm really tired now xD

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

So yesterday I went down to the local gym and asked how much joining up costs.
It's going to cost me $70 to join up and then $15.50 a week until the end of the 12 month period.

I've been quite excited at the idea of joining a gym.

I've been trying to picture what I'll look like after I've been working out for 12 months, and my brain came up with this image:

And then I was thinking, that's pretty manly, so I should try and make myself more feminine and this happened

It'll be like those adverts for the "Ab King Pro" I'll start off as the un-toned blob I am, and then magically lose all of my body hair and gain a tan, along with a nicely buffed up body of course. I can't wait 8]

Other than that, I was feeling a bit angsty towards a certain person who is being very silly and immature lately
so I drew this picture. It's me glaring at them.

And last but not least, I promised Miguel that I would draw myself as a ninja before he got back from gym. So here's me as a ninja:

Monday, November 1, 2010

I might be gone soon~

So I'm sorry but my life is ending soon 8C
I found


grey hair

I know, it's tragic
I just hope you won't miss me too much

I seriously need to empty my bin 8C

ok, now that that is out of the way, it was obviously important for you all to know about my nasty bin habits though. lol those Oreo waffer stick things were good though.

My sister and I just had a huge fight.

First I'll explain that in 2008 I slept in the kitchen for about a year and a half so that my sister's daughter could have a bedroom. Sister insisted that if Scarlette didn't have her own bedrom she would develop attachment issues from sharing a bedroom with her mother. After various fights about it, I gave up my small bedroom so that Scarlette could have it, and my bed was taken down to the kitchen.
Almost every morning my sister and my Mum would go out the back door and open the curtains so that they could have a smoke. They'd almost always forget to shut the curtain after going out too, so I'd be blinded by the sun, and consequently woken up in a less than agreeable fashion.
No matter how many times I complained about this happening, it never seemed to stop.
Not only was I woken up by them, but most nights when Kat(sister) would get up to get Scarlette a drink, or herself or food or something, she would turn the kitchen light on. Because that wouldn't disturb me at all.
After fighting about her turning the kitchen light on, she agreed not to do it anymore, but instead turned on the stove light, which was far worse. The stove light was like shining a torch directly at my face while I was asleep.

All of this said.

Now that my sister has moved back in temporarily she has to live in the kitchen, and I have her old bedroom from when she lived with us before.

We had a fight just now because she wanted to sleep in my bed.

She doesn't even ask, she basically just comes in here right before bed time, curls up in my bed, and then when I say "Kat don't go to sleep", she curls up and whines "Can't I just sleep here with you? I hate the kitchen" and then complains about how every morning Mum leaves the curtain open on her way out for a smoke.

I am, of course, not very sympathetic to her about this.

I told her that she used to do that to me, and that I hate sleeping with people in my bed. This is why I don't have sleep overs very often. I don't like people touching my things, let alone touching my pillows and stuff. And she'd probably complain at me if I tried to play my ds in bed, but I do that every night to fall asleep. It's my routine. I like routine. I need it, and I'm not letting her wreck that.

I never slept in her bed when I lived in the kitchen, not that I'd want to, I know what her and her boyfriend have done there e_e

Over all, this is a rant~

Now I'm going to go post a journal on dA apologising for being so lazy with my contest, and explaining that I'll do stuff soon(hopefully)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lol so this morning started off pretty well, I went to bed early last night so I woke up this morning, after 12 hours of sleep, feeling like a super hero 8]

The first thing I did was go outside to bother my sister while she had a smoke, and stand in the sun for a bit. My friend Jack used to tell me that if you stand in the sun in the morning it resets your body clock or something like that. I'm hoping that my body clock will send me to bed tonight at a reasonable time and not at 5am. Yes it's my body clocks fault I've been staying up so late, not mine.
Anyway, I was talking to my sister about xmas presents and such, cuz xmas is approaching soon, which is kind of exciting, but not really. It's exciting because as a kid I used to get tons of presents, so my brain tells me that it should be an exciting time, but I don't actually get many presents anymore, so it ends up being a let down every year. Last year I got two cat statues that Mum bought from the thrift shop, and a tin of white hot chocolate.
I did get excited about the white hot chocolate though 8'|
Because it was Gloria Jeans Brand, and that is the best stuff ever.

I'd loved this white hot chocolate so much that I've managed to make the one small tin last this whole year. I had just enough left for one last drink. While we were talking about it I finally decided it was time to have the rest of it. The last cup of white hot chocolate. It would be amazing. My previous cup of it had been about four months ago, and it was nearly the end of the year, and sister did keep saying she'd buy me some more this xmas, so I may as well end it now.

I went inside to go get the tin out of the cupboard, but I couldn't find it. It's always hard to find stuff in our cupboards though. My sister always packs them too full, so when you do open it, there's a high chance that stuff will fall on you, and my Mum has a habit of moving things for no reason. So I just assumed that I had to look harder.

After ten minutes, I still couldn't find it, so I sort of stood there sighing over and over, hoping that maybe somebody would offer help, but I got ignored.. so I went back out to my sister to complain about not being able to find it, she called me pathetic and that I'm just blind, and she'll find it no worries.

And then she couldn't find it either.
Mum noticed us and then asked what we were doing.
I explained that I couldn't find my white hot chocolate, and asked if she'd moved it. She said she hadn't moved it, and it was definitely there somewhere.

After she couldn't find it she said I must have thrown it out. Which became the agreed conclusion that only I didn't agree with~

So that's the story of how I didn't have white hot chocolate for breakfast.
Instead I had noodles.
They were good too I guess.

Anyway, now I have to go shower and get ready to leave. Cuz I've decided that I'm going to ask the local gym about membership and how much it costs. I want to be a bit healthier and I figure that if it's costing me money, then I'll be more motivated. I don't like wasting money 8C

/runs off

Allie drew me a pretty picture

she said she'd make me this tie too 8'|